Talisa Soto is
the actor chosen to play Vampirella in the Showtime cable film, and
judging from some of the reviews it was a lost opportunity for Vampirella
fans, but possibly not for Talisa. See Mike Grace's review on the video here
Fatales Vol 5 no 5 has a feature length article on the film and on
Vampirella generally, with a load of stuff about Vampi's costume which (in
the film) is not the same as the one Talisa is wearing in the promo photo
on the left or below.
lot of people hated the costume, which was far too 'safe' in the film
because the original kept "falling off" the model in the action
scenes. While that might have pleased the male fans, it would also have
detracted from the story - and the image we all have of Vampirella. |