Back to Lilith...
If you would like to see more images I suggest Vampifan and for more on the subject
of Vampirella I suggest Vampirella Revealed.
Excerpts from
Well...appears that Eve was God's second attempt...Lilith was created in the same
way and at the same time as Adam but she thought herself to be equel to Adam and she wouldn't act/be submissive and
wanted to have a say in things.
Adam got pissed and called his daddy (God) and daddydearest expelled Lilith
from Paradise.
What happened to Adam and his second wife is wellknown and how they also appeared in the pages of Vampirella
in the (in)famous storyline called 'Mystery Walk' but that is of no intrest to you at this point.
She descended onto the pits of hell and in her anger for being expelled from Paradise she mated with demons and
spawned many kids...they are called vampyres. She sent them all to Earth to hunt/harass/kill/corrupt God's creation
called man (Adam's offspring)
After a while (a couple of centuries) she got remorse and tried to repent and the best way of doing so was to
send an 'agent' to Earth to fight the evil Lilith had created in her anger. This agent was her special daughter who
also had special abilities, namely she could sunbath and drink holy water and wear crosses/crucifixes like Madonna
so to say...add to this all the superpowers/strenth/wings/transformations that are vampire-powers like you have one
hell of an agent.
In simple terms, Vampirella is one of the most complex characters (and one of the oldest ladies in comics) to successfully survive and develop in comic fantasyland.
She has experienced more origins than most other characters, each one building on the last and revealing new aspects of her destiny. She has died more than once, yet returned to save the world from destruction more than once. She has lived and loved, known tragedy and sublime happiness, and discovered she is immortal. And, to add to her many achievements, she is one foxy lady.
Perhaps the greatest revelation of all is that Vampirella is not simply a pinup in the briefest costume ever, an excuse to give the male readers someone to look at while they pretend to read the story. There are plenty of comics around that do provide scantily clad ladies for the sex-starved with virtually no plot and plenty of opportunities for the heroines to lose their clothes or suffer at the hands of dastardly villains who delight in tying them up to perform dreadful deeds. Not so for Vampirella, who is supported by stories with genuine plots, writing that explodes over the page and art that turns each story into reality. Vampirella provides solid graphic storytelling.
Vampirella is emancipated, strong, aggressive, loving and courageous as she battles the forces of evil who are trying to take over the Earth. No-one could accuse her of being just a sex symbol, and the villains had better watch out when they try to engage her in battle. She has little mercy for those who would prey on the innocent, and precious little patience for the incompetent.
We need to keep a sense of proportion about all this. Vampirella is, without doubt, luscious to look at. It seems women enjoy her lack of costume as much as men, and many women dress up in 'Vampi-like' clothes and parade at conventions or send their photos to the comic so everyone can see them.
The story, titled faster, Pussycat. Kill! Kill!, is quite a strong indictment of the abuse of women by men, a common theme in Pantha stories.
Forget the old days in a Marvel comic of Spidey slugging it out with the Hulk - this is real damage that's being caused and real people bleed and die. In a way I almost feel like an intruder as I read this story, like I'm prying into someone's private battle. There is no sense of surface unreality here.
You can almost feel the heat, or relax in the cool and damp. His (Joe Jusko's) gift is he takes your emotions into his pictures.
It is difficult to imagine how long each page took to paint. Each panel is a work of art, lovingly produced.